When technology fails
Reading Time: 3 minutes Technology has become ubiquitous within the modern world, in particular with communication systems. There are few people in Australia today who do

Entry Interviews: A New Way of Thinking about Platoon Commander Notebooks
Reading Time: 4 minutes Marching in to my first unit as a Lieutenant (LT) and Platoon Commander (PLCOMD), one of the first tasks I was told

Tiny Leadership Tales: ‘You Can Be Right And Be A Jerk’
Reading Time: 2 minutes Bite sized leadership lessons, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words To be right, or nice? I have asked myself

Five Elements of Campaigning
Reading Time: 23 minutes As a nation – and as an important regional leader in the global community – Australia is experiencing significant changes to our

Tiny Leadership Tales: ‘Right Wheel, Continue The Wheel’
Reading Time: 2 minutes Bite sized leadership lessons, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words Most days we pounded the hot pavement seemingly only

Lessons from Air-Land Integration in the Burma Campaign
Reading Time: 6 minutes “…in Burma our Armies are advancing on the wings of the Allied Air Forces.” – Air Chief Marshal Keith Park Introduction The

The David Kilcullen Interview: Serving in a Peacetime Army
Reading Time: 5 minutes This is Part II of an interview with David Kilcullen. Find Part I here. David Kilcullen is Professor of International and Political Studies

Hir’aeth: The Australian Army, Training, and the Nostalgia of the Past
Reading Time: 5 minutes Editor’s Note: This is Grounded Curiosity’s 2nd most read article of all time. One of the most useful phrases to emerge from

Failure at Fromelles
Reading Time: 20 minutes Failure at Fromelles, 19-20 July 1916: Examining failures against the nine tactical considerations for the attack Fail: c. 1200, ‘be unsuccessful in

An Interview with James Kidd: Defence Advisor at the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby
Reading Time: 3 minutes Samuel Cox (SC): What does the role of a Defence Advisor (DA) in a High Commission entail? James Kidd (JK): I consider the High

The Importance of Remote Autonomous Systems for the Future of the ADF
Reading Time: 5 minutes In his speech for the launch of the 2020 Defence Strategic Update, Prime Minister Scott Morrison expressed to the audience: “We must

Leading at Every Level: Contesting the Army Leadership Levels
Reading Time: 3 minutes I must admit to being taken aback by the appearance of the ‘Australian Army Leadership Levels’ (‘the Levels’) as published in Army

The other complexities of the urban fight (Part VII of a series)
Reading Time: 7 minutes This is the seventh and final article of a series on the Twelve Urban Challenges. You can access the series here. Previous articles have introduced

The Future of Unconventional Warfare (2035 – 2050)
Reading Time: 3 minutes Women in Future Operations Holds Its First Working Group What do you see when you conceptualise the future of unconventional warfare? What

Readiness Posture: “Move now, out”
Reading Time: 6 minutes A ‘notice to move’, or as it is known by its military acronym ‘NTM’, serves as a useful planning tool to manage expectations for both force elements and commanders. But in dynamic, unpredictable circumstances, a notice to move can sometimes be the source of confusion and friction between various levels of command. This needn’t be so.

Understanding Mission Command
Reading Time: 7 minutes Mission command is a philosophy for command and a system for conducting operations that is widely understood within the Australian Army to

Avoiding Army Modernization Pitfalls
Reading Time: 5 minutes Why is the U.S. Army so bad at delivering new weapon systems? Is this merely a function of excessive ambition, budgetary friction, or changes to the operational environment? The likely culprit is a system designed to minimize risk to users, risk to mission, risk to budget, and risk to industry.

Tactical Fighting System: Section Contact Narrative, Part 1
Reading Time: 8 minutes This narrative is designed to explore the difference that robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomy and augmented reality spatial computing could achieve with technologies

Spotlight International Women: women’s participation across global militaries
Reading Time: 2 minutes In celebration of International Women’s Day, we’re highlighting nine fun and inspiring facts about women in the military—showcasing their strength, resilience, and the incredible ways they have shaped armed forces across the globe.

Be your authentic self
Reading Time: 4 minutes In consideration of being your authentic self, what are those things that you consider important? If you had five mins to explain to someone what your core values are and why – what would you consider yours to be?

Asking For Help: Overcoming Pride and My Own Prejudice
Reading Time: 8 minutes I’m a creature of habit. I have been listening to the same audiobook every night to go to sleep for 19 odd

Advice I’d Give My Younger Self: Susan Gelsi
Reading Time: 3 minutes Tips for a Baby Medic from a Medic Who Didn’t Always Get it Right “Tips and tricks for young players”, or in

The Athena Project. There’s No Shame In The Name: Victim
Reading Time: 8 minutes Written by Jordyn Gray (she/her), Founder of The Athena Project, Veteran, Survivor, Advocate and Speaker Trigger Warning: Sexual Violence Do you remember

Burnout: The Professional’s Nemesis and How to Outsmart It
Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Propel Her Community, You may have noticed we took a big break from publishing over the end of the year because…