Burnout: The Professional’s Nemesis and How to Outsmart It

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hello Propel Her Community,

You may have noticed we took a big break from publishing over the end of the year because… we needed it! We know many of you were (and maybe still are) feeling similar.

In amongst the stacks of report writing, removal boxes and holiday stresses we turned to a writers newest companion (or a writers worst nightmare), ChatGPT. To our amazement (and horror), it turned out pretty well with the help of some human research (it is only as good as its inputs, right? Right???). Whilst it may not be stealing our jobs just yet, the irony is not lost on us that while facing burnout, we turned to ChatGPT for help on an article about… burnout.

With that we present what we think is a pretty good short snappy read…

ps. stay tuned for some brilliant insights from brilliant humans soon!

– Lily and lt

In the relentless hustle and bustle of the professional world, burnout lurks like a shadowy figure waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting. It’s the dreaded state of physical and emotional exhaustion that can turn even the most passionate career enthusiast into a zombie-like drone. But fear not, dear reader, for in this battle against burnout, we shall arm ourselves with wit, wisdom, and a touch of humor.

The Burnout Beast: Unveiling the Culprit

Imagine this: you’re juggling meetings, deadlines, emails, and a boss who thinks 24/7 availability is the new normal. You’re constantly running on the hamster wheel of corporate life, and eventually, the wheel starts spinning faster than you can’t keep up. That, my friends, is the Burnout Beast in action.

Recognize the Symptoms:

  1. The “Monday Morning Meltdown”: When your alarm clock is the enemy, and you have a recurring appointment with the snooze button.
  2. The “Coffee IV Drip”: If your caffeine intake rivals the GDP of a small country, you might be burnout’s best friend.
  3. The “Vacation Daydreams”: If you’ve made more vacation plans at your desk than you’ve actually taken, it’s time to reassess.
  4. The “Emotional Rollercoaster”: When a minor email typo sends you into a spiral of self-doubt, it’s time to step back.

Combatting the Burnout Beast:

  1. Set Boundaries: Like a picket fence around your sanity, set clear boundaries for work hours, and stick to them. Your evenings and weekends are not the office’s personal playground.
  2. Prioritize Self-Care: Pamper yourself like royalty. Exercise regularly, eat well, meditate, and make sleep your best friend. Remember, even superheroes need their beauty rest.
  3. Learn the Art of Saying “No”: Not every project, task, or coffee date needs a “yes” from you. Saying “no” is a superpower you should wield without guilt.
  4. Delegate and Collaborate: You don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Delegate tasks, seek help, and remember that teamwork makes the dream work.
  5. Take Real Vacations: Unplug, unwind, and leave your laptop at home. No, seriously, leave it. A change of scenery can do wonders for your mental well-being.
  6. Rediscover Hobbies: Rekindle your love for painting, dancing, or underwater basket weaving. Hobbies are the antidote to the mundane.
  7. Laugh at Yourself: Humor is the best stress-buster. Find joy in the little quirks of your professional life, like the office coffee that tastes like old socks.
  8. Seek Professional Help: If burnout persists and becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to consult a mental health professional. They’re the superheroes of the mind.

In the relentless world of the professional, burnout is the arch-nemesis we all face. But with humor as our sidekick and self-care as our armor, we can defy the Burnout Beast’s advances. Remember, it’s not the number of hours you work that defines your worth; it’s the quality of life you lead. So go forth, dear reader, and conquer the world, one witty smile at a time!

*This article was generated by ChatGPT