Propel Her

Defence Women’s Leadership Series

The most read career development resource for Defence Women.

To Drive or Push Forwards

To Propel:

Our Mission

Challenge Her, Spotlight Her, Propel Her

Reader Favourites

#PropelHerAus exists to empower women to shape their own careers and enhance their professional development. This is an inclusive and diverse space to share, discuss and challenge ideas. 

In Conversation: Authentic Leadership

We are honoured to feature In Conversation between ADF Junior Leaders and the three ADF Senior Enlisted. They discuss leadership and lessons learned as they reflect on the high and lows in their own careers. With two of the three ADF Senior Enlisted (in 2021) being the first women in ADF history to be appointed, we couldn’t let the opportunity pass to get their unique perspective on authentic leadership and navigating their way through challenging roles and situations.

Guest Authors

Our Mission

Propel Her
Professional development and leadership articles, tailored for a Defence context
Spotlight Her
Women share their experiences and lessons learned in leadership and military environment
Challenge Her
Thought-provoking articles on women, leadership and military

Bonus Articles

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