To Propel: To push or drive something forward
Our emergency services are filled with ordinary women doing extraordinary things, often in male-dominated environments.
Propel Her exists to voice the conversations that ADF women (and those around them) are having in lunch rooms and board rooms across the country.
Our blog, social media and audio content covers themes from career and personal development to being the only woman in the room, all tailored for a Defence context. We aim to create an accessible, inclusive and diverse community for respectful discourse. We will continue to work to enhance female participation in military blogging that is reputable, intersectional and supportive.
Whilst we advocate for Defence women, we welcome and support ‘Guest Authors’ of all genders, ranks and roles to share their knowledge and insights into career, life, leadership and professional development topics for a majority female audience.
Follow the series and join the conversation via #PropelHerAUS.
“Through sharing we all find a common ground, inspiration, hope, meaning and ultimately, action” – Author Unknown
Meet the Managing Editors
Lily is a Public Affairs Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force. She has served in a range of people-oriented roles across a tri-service environment from Welfare and Human Resources, to Training, to Strategic Communications. She hopes her work with Propel Her will play a small part in helping ADF women reach their full potential.
Leigh-teagan is a Nursing Officer in the Australian Army. She is the Lead Instructor for the Health Training Team at the School of Health. She credits her time as a Platoon Commander of a tri-service holding Platoon for cementing her passion for mentoring and leadership development of women in the ADF.Â
Together, Lily and L-T own not-for-profit media company ‘Coffee House Media’.Â
How did we start?
Propel Her - Defence Women’s Leadership Series was co-founded by Lyndsay Freeman and Shamsa Lea in August 2020. The series has grown from what first consisted of short articles and essays by the #PropelHerAUS team, to include guest author submissions and a social media community. Awarded People + Culture Australian Women in Defence Awards in 2021, co-founders Shamsa Lea and Lyndsay Freeman were celebrated for #PropelHerAus role in empowering women to shape their careers and enhance their professional development. Shamsa and Lyndsay handed over to Lily and L-T who now manage the forum and community.
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