How do you see the #FutureFight?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The next conflicts will be won by intelligent people with the courage to challenge our current thinking and outlooks. This foundation of innovative people starts with thinking about what our future operating environment looks like. Imagining the future is a tough ask; however, the words ‘innovation’ and ‘future’ go hand-in-hand. We are not innovating for today, we are innovating for our tomorrow.

So please join the discussion – write a post or share your thoughts in the comments threads here on Grounded Curiosity or through the DEF Australia Facebook and Twitter accounts. We also encourage you to debate these ideas in your units with your subordinates, peers, bosses and mentors – the process of envisioning what the #FutureFight looks like – is best done through our collective minds as a team.

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About Tom

Tom McDermott is the Director of Activities for DEF Australia. An Australian Army officer who also served for 15 years in the British Army, he is a passionate advocate of the Profession of Arms. He believes that rapid innovation and adaptation is the key to the future success of Western militaries. Tom is studying a PhD in strategy at ANU, and is a Fellow of both UNSW’s Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society, and KCL’s Centre for Military Ethics. He can be followed on Twitter via @helmandproject.